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Texas Harvey
Disaster Relief Update

Your prayers and support are at work!
Our volunteers are out in the field on your behalf




As more donations poured in, different churches and organizations from around the city bringing us food, volunteers who could find their way around the floods traveling from a far to work with us, and sheltering people, our team continued to help different members of the church and people in the community clean out their homes.

We were able to help the very first lady that we took in our shelter; the one who showed up barefooted that lost everything, find her friends and they picked her up today. We were a little emotional to see her go. She was such a joy and promised to return to visit. She thanked us and hugged everyone when she left.

At dinner tonight, Pastor Melissa sat down with one of the gentleman that lost his home and asked him was there anything else we could do for him. And he replied with tears in his eyes, you’re doing it. You took me in 2 days ago and are feeding me.


We did two houses today. While running the shelter and distribution pantry we have now moved to phase 2 of helping members and friends of the ministry gut out their houses.

We have received tons of donations of cleaning supplies, baby items, toiletries, food from restaurants and hot food from local churches. Members of the church and community have come together and volunteered their time.


What an honor to be the hands and feet of Christ in a time like this where God’s love can make all the difference!


Our shelter and distribution center is now open. If you would like to donate towards our Texas Disaster Relief Fund, click here.