
New Restaurants in Database 4


Total People Fed 1183


New Employment Partners in Database 1


Total People Paired with Employment 5

Our focus is homelessness

Extending the message of grace

The Mission and Reason:

The mission of the “Help 2 Hire” Program is to provide food to the homeless as well as assist them in getting jobs while extending the message of grace. It is our belief that through the “Help 2 Hire” Program, members who begin as receiving assistance will ultimately be able to provide for themselves upon employment.

Get Involved

Our help 2 hire goals

These are our goals and we need your help!

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Register 50 Homeless persons into the “Help 2 Hire” database

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Establish strong relationship with independently owned restaurants

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Restaurants within a 20 mile radius

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Provide impactful information and job readiness

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Provide meals on a monthly basis

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Place members of program within gainful employment

This is how:

Locations will partner with restaurants to receive food at a minimum of once per month for distribution to the homeless. Homeless persons who receive meals must agree to be placed in the program database in order for location to follow up with job readiness information and ultimately placement with gainful employment. Locations will partner with same restaurants and others within an employment database, to provide them with program member's information for hiring into entry level positions.

Who do we reach?

Homeless people 16 years and up
Program lifecycle 12 months

Some of our other programs…

People shaking hands

ReachBack Program

The mission of the “Reach Back” Program is to provide Christian extracurricular activities to college students, as well as mentorship to area youth.

Find out more
A couple hugging

H.O.P.E Program

The mission of the “H.O.P.E” (Helping Overcome Poverty Effectively) Program is to provide women and girls (this can also be utilized for men) with the tools needed to begin their own businesses and sell their products.

Find out more
A landscape of buildings

Community Involvement Coalition

The mission of the “WCC-CIC” Program is to provide communities with information and a forum to discuss legislation or issues that effect their community.

Find out more

We have the cause - You have the effect!

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Global Missions Director, Archie Collins on (678)-207-7976 or email acollins@worldchangers.org.

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Call Us: +1.866.477.7683