Our Haiti Team is on the ground as of Friday the 31st of July and immediately started serving the children at the Greta Home Orphanage we physically help to build. Many of the children were excited to see us again and remembered us from our very first trip back in 2009! One volunteer called it a family reunion.
Mission Update: Day 1
Our missions team in #Haiti had an amazing time of fun, games, and fellowship at the #GretaHome.

Mission Update: Day 2

Mission Update: Day 3
Today we had the opportunity to see how Haiti's government and judicial system is ran. We then went to the Greta Academy where we operated a Summer camp! We did arts and crafts, singing, and sports! We were able to help the children with their English and at the very end we gave 60 children back to school packs consisting of notebooks, colored pencils, regular pencils, pens, and erasers.
It's so hard to say goodbye; this was our last day with the Greta House & Academy.

Mission Update: Day 4
We had such an awesome day today! Our first day was at a Youth Leadership Conference held at a church in Leogane. There were representatives from churches across the area and they convened at this church monthly. These young leaders are being raised up to be Spiritual Leaders throughout this region of Haiti. All seven team members ministered on the Grace of God! Each team member ministered as the Holy Spirit led them to over a 140 young adults.
Our second stop was to a Leogane school and we presented Operation Christmas Child gifts to 96 young children; ages ranging from 2 years old to 14 years old. 90 children gave their lives to Jesus as Gwen Gona gave them a message on salvation!
I asked several team members how they would caption this day and we summed it up as equipping the future leaders of Haiti with grace and love of God.
These were the number of items that were sent to the Greta House and Academy:
- Greta Back to School Packs - 60
- Notebooks - 21
- Colored Pencils - 12
- Crayons - 10
- Notebook paper - 12
- Pens - 32 Packs of 10 each
- Pencils - 6 packs 12
- Construction Paper -12
- Post it notes - 29
- Calculators -19
- Composition Notebook - 19
- Construction Paper - 10

Mission Update: Day 5
We have had such a tremendous day; this morning, we went to the mountains of Truen, Haiti where CDGM’s first major project, after the earthquake took place, was to assist with road restructuring and rubble removal! The trucks and bulldozers are still making major advances to ensure that the people in these remote mountain areas of Leogane are able to travel effectively
Next, we had the opportunity to go to a medical clinic in the mountains. This dedicated team of professionals provide medical care in general medicine, expectant mothers, and paediatrics. They also do testing for Malaria and HIV in the area. Our team members ministered to the patients in the clinic - the plan of salvation and prayed for them to receive their healing.
Our next stop was to sit in on a Gender-Based Violence Program where women who have been sexually-, physically- and mentally abused, and abandoned are trained on how to protect themselves, how to partner together to protect one another and to be a source of comfort through their process of healing. One of our team members ministered to them about God’s love and grace and how valuable they are in the sight of God! The women listened intently to the word.
Our final stop of the day was at an Economic Empowerment training session for people in the community. SP is training local individuals in the art of soap making. These individuals make shampoo, hair rinse, laundry- and dish detergent, and disinfectant cleaner for resale purposes in their community. They have a chemist who formulates the product, instructs the class on how to make it and how to package for resale. One of our team members spoke to the class about brand management, customer service, marketing, production and quality control. He ended by telling them to sow from their business and encouraged them with prayer.
This has been a really long but empowering day! It has been a week of intensity and at the very climax with this trip we have really heard the heart of the Haitian people we encountered! We start with prayer and intercession that they know that Grace has already done it all.
Mission Update: Day 6
Our day has been very eventful to say the least! Due to the elections that will be taking place this Sunday, all of the candidates were out campaigning on the streets and blocked the traffic coming into Leogane. It took us nearly 6 hours to return from a drive that normally takes 45 minutes to an hour without traffic.
Our day started with us traveling to Peytonville for lunch and from there we went to Titayen to visit Joel Eugene's orphanage. We did arts and crafts with the children and they performed 2 songs for the group. Joel asked our team to go to the site of a school that he is starting for the children at his orphanage and the children in the community who cannot afford an education under the current system of education- he asked us to pray for God to provide everything they will need to make the school a success.
We blessed 20 children with 20 back to school packets consisting of the following:
Composition notebook, pack of 12 pencils, pens, erasers, colored pencils, and glue.
We provided the children with
These were the number of items that were sent to the Greta House and Academy:
- 50 notebooks
- 5 packs of 200 count paper
- 100 pencils
- 5 packs of construction paper
- 1 gallon bag of post it notes
- 1 gallon bag of paper clips
- 10 packs of tape
We were also blessed to sow one computer to Joel's new school which will open October 2015.
We will sow 4 computers to the President of the nursing school, one computer to the Medical Clinic and the one to the orphanage means we sowed all six computers before we left.
Our last day in Haiti, even with all the traffic issues, was such a blessing! This team of people have been such a phenomenal blessing and truly made a mark that can never be erased!
We will leave the compound at 7:00 am in the morning to make sure we make it to Port au Prince without any incidents.
Thank you again and have a great night. Our last sign off from the beautiful island of Haiti.

Mission Update: Day 7
This is the last email of a truly life changing week for our team as we shared the Grace Message throughout Haiti! Everywhere we went, our goal was to change the philosophy of people and let them know that God’s love never fails!
Today we left the Jax Beach Compound at 7:30am to ensure that we would arrive at the airport in time for our travel back home. We did a road tour of Port au Prince and saw first hand the new High Court Judicial building being completed right across from the Palace, which is in the process of being reconstructed. We went a few feet away and saw the National Museum of Haiti that houses artefacts from when Christopher Columbus discovered Haiti.
On our way to the airport, Pastor Pierre was introduced to the candidate he believes will be the next President of Haiti. He is a Born Again Man of God who had a redemptive vision for Haiti. He asked that we pray for him, and that is exactly what we did. He thanked Dr Dollar for sending us to the people of Haiti and invited us back to the palace once he is elected president.
By the time you read this, our Atlanta people are back to their families and our Houston people are awaiting their connection flight home. Thank you for allowing us to go and share the Gospel of Grace to Haiti! Our team is forever grateful for the opportunity and to serve our Pastors, Directors, Fellow Mission members and our WCCI & Fellowship Church Families!
Good night and God Bless!
CDGM Team Haiti 2015
#ProjectVirtue #CareforKids #HopeinDisaster