Back 2 School Outreach 2019 - World Changers Church new York

Back 2 School Outreach 2019 - World Changers Church new York

WCCNY hosted our annual “Because We Care Back to School Event” on 24th August, which was located inside thechurch. The event impacted the community greatly by providing back to school supplies and book bags for needyfamilies, affordable health care, and free Social Services referrals and Grace-based spiritual guidance. From themoment the children and their parents came through our doors, there was a carnival-like atmosphere with fun,games, and refreshments. The community got to know and understand that WCCNY loves and cares for them, andwe’re here for their spiritual and social needs. We had 37 volunteers, 480 Book bags filled with school supplies weregiven out, 52 people received health screening and affordable health care information, 32 people received SocialServices referral information, 120 people received prayer and 22 people received salvation. A word ofencouragement and Grace-based love, and a blessing from Pastor Wess affected everyone inside the sanctuary. Oneparent informed us that she had just moved to the Bronx from Puerto Rico and didn’t know how she was going toget school supplies for her children until she was approached by a member of the church giving out flyers in Spanish.She told us this was an answer to prayer, as she doesn’t understand English.


Attendance 607
Volunteers Participating 37
Backpacks Distributed 480
Stationery Distributed -