Saturday we went out into a local apartment complex to give out flyers and evangelize. There were four salvations. Sunday July 30th, we had an estimated 292 kids/parents attend, 205 book bags given out, 275 boxed lunches, 40 stewards serve and two salvations and all prayed for!
Our impact
During our annual Back to School Book Bag give away our focus was to minister to the Body, Soul and Spirit of every child, parent, family member and friend that attended the Event. We ministered to the Body by providing book bags with school supplies, additional hygiene products and a boxed lunches to the entire family. We also had a resource table where every parent was directed and was given information regarding jobs, education, housing, medical assistance, caring for the elderly, food assistance and more! We ministered to the Soul by greeting everyone with Love, a smile and showing care and concern. We ministered to the Spirit by personally praying with each individual family. We also gave out CD’s by Pastor Dollar.
How did this event impact your community?
I believe this event impacted our community tremendously. We were able to meet the needs of the families in our local community and provided additional resources that will help the families long term.
Why was this event significant to your community?
We were able to lessen the burden of the parents and family members of having to buy book bags and school supplies for their children. Describe a significant moment that happened during the event.
Seeing the families and children being prayed for was amazing (see pictures attached)! There was also a lady that was homeless and we were able to help her. We also had two salvations!
Please share your testimony about this event.
I know an impact was made that cannot be erased in every individual that attended. For this event we received a Corporate Sponsorship from the Rotary Club of Downtown Macon which assisted us in blessing our Community.