What did your location do?
Our location hosted a Back 2 School event including Book bag distribution, inflatable games, face painting, nail painting, free food, cotton candy, sno cones, prayer station and water slide.
How did this event impact your community?
This event allowed parents to bring their children to a free day filled with fun and fellowship while receiving supplies they needed to send their children back to school prepared. Members of the community also received prayer and were able to connect to our ministry.
Why was this event significant to your community?
This event was significant to our community because we were able to partner with many organizations that are unable to fully meet needs on their own including the Family Promise Center and the Norcross Cooperative Ministry. We were able to meet the needs of families in their databases that they were not able to assist.
Describe a significant moment that happened during the event.
During the event, there was a woman with 6 children who testified that she did not know how she was going to get supplies for her children. She said that someone sent her a picture of the flyer for the event the day before and that’s how she found out about it. She was so grateful that she was in tears.
Please share your testimony about this event.
- Attendance - 282
- Backpacks Given - 322
- Prayed For - 6
- Salvations - 2
- Special Services (Hair cuts, clothing, screenings) - 0
- Praise Reports - 2