What did your location do?
We meet at Mosswood Recreation Center. We setup at the park with a table and had the backpacks laid out. Kids were playing at the park and when they were getting ready to go home and picked up by their parents they came and spin the pencil to pick a color of backpack that was provided.
We had 48 backpacks and we were able to giveaway 36
How did this event impact your community?
Parents of Mosswood were happy to have the free backpacks and asked who we were associated with. Some of the parents recognized Pastor Dollar picture from the release forms. They thought it was nice that we were part of the CDM and didn’t know we were part of Oakland.
Other surrounding people saw what we were doing and we had 3 people who asked if they can have backpacks. They were not part of Mosswood and still had some leftover. Other people asked if we were coming back and how often do we do this. This prompted us to share that we are part of WCCG-Oakland and we will be back.
Why was this event significant to your community?
Base on the needs of assisting Mosswood and other low-income children it brought smiles and relief to the parents.
Describe a significant moment that happened during the event
Even though our date had to be changed and we didn’t have the Event as big as we would have liked. It brought the opportunity for the members to be part of something to see impact in others. When Mosswood saw that we had the backpacks and we were ready to give away with smiles they were very appreciated and liked our set up. They were impressed with the quality and everyone had fun.
Please share your testimony about this event.
Our event may not have worked out the way we had planned but, the outcome positioned us to be more involved in Mosswood and the parents. I even think that the members had more fun than people we were impacting. This prompted WCCG-Oakland to want to plan a BBQ to draw more people.
It gave a stepping stone for increase. Last year, we were disappointed that we only had 6 backpacks to give. We gave to members of church and one 2 family. This year we were able to adopt a classroom and see the faces of the parents as well as the kids. When we saw the video clip of Back2School Event before Sunday Service our group was yelling at the screen at We will be back and we will have an event that will draw just like Villa Rica, Detroit and Macon.
After today Service it prompted the group to talk about increase and how we will prepare for next year and being part of Thanksgiving and Christmas.