The Brunson Lee Elementary School at 1350 N. 48th St. Phoenix, AZ 85008
Our impact
The impact was great we had 16 Volunteers and 12 Stewards who were able to assist the community needs in games, prizes as well as food. We were also able to be blessed with the Phoenix Fire Department to educate the children about the fire truck and the roles of the firemen. We had approx. 175 – 200 people to attend. Our event was from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Our goal was to assist the school who educates K-6 grade students in getting them a fresh start in providing them book bags for the new school year. The community, in which our church has services in, is a low and very low income community with many needs. We were able to distribute 111 book bags to the K-6 grades only and to give the school 129 book bags to distribute to the remaining students during their registration and the opening of the school year that starts on 7.24.17 to the much needed students. The 20- 24 book bags left were and will be given to the Church member’s family with children. The book bags with supplies had took one financial burden off their plate. The people were so appreciative as well as the school administration.
Event highlight
This allowed WCC-Phoenix to let the community know that there was a new Non-Denominational Church in town that teaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Finish works through Grace. The love and excellence of standards that is taught by Dr. Creflo Dollar and Pastor Taffi Dollar had demonstrated through the impact that was made by WCC-Phoenix to the Community that we care about them. This community make-up is predominately Hispanic with a large some of illegal immigrants. So a trust factor was important from us.
Norman Boone as the Leader/Facilitator/local Pastor had to address the community in English to thank the School staff and community for coming out and participating who knew by the chattering of noise that majority of the people didn’t understand him. So one of the volunteers who is bilingual and attends the Church was able to interpret what Norman was saying and then it was totally quite. Then at this time it allowed him to do a corporate prayer and prayer over the food in English and interpreted in Spanish and it was well received. We were also able to extend an invitation to Church in English and Spanish as well. We also played English and Spanish Gospel music.
Another success
I (Trina Boone) had an encounter with a person who attended the event with her daughter and seven grandchildren who express her heart felt gratitude and letting us know that we were so needed in the community. She couldn’t believe not only that we gave out free back packs but we fed the community as well. She informed me she has been in the community for a while and has not experience this at all. Also, she let me know that our church is needed here. She was emotionally caught up. She informed me that she has been through a lot and so has her daughter struggling emotionally and financially. In response, I had ministered to her and invited her to come to church because her healing would come from the Word of God. We as a Church have all been through something and had got healing from the Word of God taught by Dr. Dollar and Pastor Taffi Dollar and the WCCI. She then had informed me she wants to serve God and will be attending. Praise God.