What did your location do?
WCC-DC provided and distributed ninety (90) fully equipped bookbags to the children of the Congress Park Community in S.E. Washington, DC. The menu included grilled hotdogs, chips and plenty of water. We played, talked and prayed with the children while encouraging them to have a good school year. This event was a partnership with the local church in that community;The Holy Church C.O.G.I.C. We provided the backpacks, food and volunteers while they provided the children and venue. We found opportunity to demonstrate Grace not only to the children but also to our brothers and sisters in Christ. What a good day!
How did this event impact your community?
The Congress Park Community is known in Washington, DC as one of the worst drug, crime and poverty affected areas. Whereas, everyone in the community suffers to some degree, the children suffer the most. The tangible impact is that children can start school confident in having the supplies they need. We may not ever discover the intangible impact but we know each child was forever changed by His Grace.
Why was this event significant to your community?
The greatest significance, in my opinion, was the impact WCC-DC had on the local church. The Holy Church expressed gratitude in knowing that we are willing to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them and call their community free of crime and poverty In Jesus Name.
Describe a significant moment that happened during the event
Our pastor, Minister Jessica, exchanged phone numbers with their pastor. The significance of that action is yet to be seen but I call it Holy Ghost inspired.
Please share your testimony about this event.
It was a great day! The children and their parents were blessed. Though, I’m not sure who enjoy it most; the volunteers or the community. Attendance - 110 Salvations - 0 Prayed for - 15