Mission: Day 5
What a Marvellous Monday! After eating a delicious, wholesome, fresh organic breakfast, we joined the Samaritains Purse Staff in their daily devotional which included praise and worship. We worshiped God in Creole and English, singing familiar songs that allowed the Holy Spirit to fill the atmosphere. After praise and worship, the Samartians Purse staff divided into small groups for Bible Study. Our team each chose a group to participate in a group discussion of Rev. 8. There is no other way to start the day, being fed by the Word of God!
After Bible study, the team met Joel Eugene. Joel is the founder of Ebenezer Home and School. We delivered school supplies for the students and audio visual equipment to assist in instruction. He was very gracious knowing that all he received was a result of answered prayers.
Our daily adventures continued as we took off to the mountainous regions of Haiti; Twn and Pensik. Our team was able to witness the progress of road development for the local people to have ability to access the medical clinics and the market place. Samaritains Purse used equipment that our church donated to clear the rubble that was caused by the earthquake that occurred in 2010. In the town of Twn, there were bustling market places and the medical clinic. We were able to see first hand the operation of the clinic as well as witness to the men, women, and children who were waiting for medical care. They were very receptive and open to receive prayer. Further up the mountain is the town of Pensik. There we visited an elementary school and the locals of that area. We ministered to the students and to the people who lived there. We prayed with them and lead one woman to Christ! We also experienced drinking coconut milk from a coconut and the delicious coconut on the inside of the fruit. This was a timely refreshing and hydrating treat for us, we needed the nourishment to combat the heat! Heeding back to Twn, we met with a few local ministers and a local official.
We ended our day with Emillio sharing a powerful Word to the people of L'acule. Trenda sang songs of worship that was familiar to everyone. We actually sang together in Creole and English; it was beautiful! Lucretia prayed and Emillio preached a powerful Word The Bible study was out side. There is no electricity in L'acule, but the Word that was delivered brought light to His people. They were blessed with being taught how to meditate on the Word day and night. They received Emillio's message and invited him to come back again to share with them again before we left for our return to the United States. How hungry are they for the Word of God. This was a timely, refreshing, and hydrating treat for us. We needed the nourishment to combat the heat!

Mission: Day 4
Today was an awesome start to the week! We joined in the worship service at a church in Leogane. Though we spoke different languages, the Spirit of God brought strong witness that we are indeed One in Christ. Minister Archie delivered a poignant message with vivid visual demonstrations on not letting go of God's hands and God is able no matter how big the problem appears to be.
After leaving the service totally energized, the team held two services for the children of the Greta Home and Academy where all 16 children in the primary class, led by Sis. Kimberly, received understanding of the steps to salvation and prayed to receive Christ! Sis. Trenda ministered to the older children and staff regarding how grace works in the believer to make us willing and able to please God.

Mission: Day 3
Today was a pivotal day in our time here as we led a Capacity Building workshop for local pastors. The purpose was to gain understanding of the root issues of concern with Christian leadership here while assisting them to change they way they looked at solutions to their problems. Our goal to help them see that they could trust God and each other to solve the many issues they face was received.
We were also very blessed by the privilege of ministering through a Discipleship and Soul-Winning training with about 100 students from several youth ministries.

Mission: Day 2
Today began beautifully with a magnificent sunrise over the mountains and fisherman pulling in nets from the ocean with the mornings catch! The beauty of the day also permeated the praise and worship time with the Samaritan's Purse staff before we went out on the field.
With the continued mission to change the way people think so that they can change the way they live, we held a conference with 50+ medical and nursing students at the University Lumiere. The team took questions and shared about the power and love of God. Each student was challenged to change the way they think about the things that they need in life. As the future doctors and nurses of Haiti they were encouraged to trust God above any person or non-govermental organization. The quote that best summed up message shared was to "Take your focus off of people and put your focus on God and God will focus people onto you." The faculty, President and students all shared that this was a profound and new way of thinking for them they they appreciated and received. Being introduced to the principles of their positions and privilege as God's children and the truth that faith and trust are the currency of the Kingdom of God, their hearts and minds were opened to new opportunities in God.
We ended our day of ministry by visiting the local Chief of Police, who we met on a previous trip. We toured his facility and prayed over he, the staff and the city.

Mission: Day 1
This morning, our mission was to change the way people think so they could be empowered to change the way they live.
The team had the privilege of touring the staff departments of Samaritan's Purse at the Jax base.
We were blessed to walk the L'acule community and ministry one-on-one with several in the community, including the local voodoo priest at his temple. We spoke with him and a woman who was there with him asked for prayer later for her leg as we left. As we went throughout the village we prayed for multiple people.
The day was full of grace-filled moments from sharing the gospel and distributing Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts to more than 100 children to sharing encouragement and and listening ears to local high school students.
One highlight of the day was our time hearing the vision of the new mayor of Leogane. He is a strong Christian who was elected to replace the deceased former mayor who was a voodoo priest. He shared with us and was excited and asked to have us pray with him in his office. At each location we ministered the Gospel of Grace and are looking forward to the change that is taking place in the mindsets of the people of Haiti.
It was an awesome first day!