Donated 382 hygiene products that were graciously sowed by members of the WCC-LA family to the Union Rescue Mission (URM).
Our impact
The URM is located in the heart of Skid Row, which is considered one of the largest stable populations (between 3,000 and 6,000) of homeless people in the United States. The products are items we take for granted but mean the world to someone living on the streets. The people who receive the donations will have access to items for their personal hygiene care.
The event was significant in that it gave our congregation an opportunity to sow into the lives of the homeless people they always want to help but did not know how to help. The URM houses up to 1,000 people a day in their facility so the donations received will help alleviate their burden.
Event highlight
The representative from the URM who accepted the donations watches Dr. Dollar on TV so he understood our mission but did not know we had a fellowship church in Los Angeles. God made a way for us to volunteer on the day he was there. He received an open invitation to join us for service.
Another success
Our team of 2 individuals served with heart and represented the world changers nation well. The URM was extremely grateful for the donations and enthusiastically asked if we could continue to partner with them on future events.