We are sharing the Gospel of Grace in Kenya with our World Changers! We have had many sessions with women, men and children, empowering the entire family. Thanks to the hearts of our Pastors, Creflo and Taffi Dollar, we have also started another water project for a community in need. Currently, women have to wake up at 11PM to walk to get water. They physically carry it back home by 5AM so it can be used for the day. This project is empowering them in so many ways! Praise God!
We further impacted lives in the following ways:
- 60 people were saved at our nighttime outreach,
- 80 youth were saved at the primary school we ministered at,
- We provided school supplies, sports equipment and teacher care packages for the school.
- We saw the church where we sowed the greenhouse a few years back and put the water well in, we hit water at 900 feet! Now our water project has begun that will provide much needed water for the people to have for themselves, their animals and for agriculture.
- They have now expanded to 3 acres of farming thanks to the green house which is now used as the nursery for the larger garden and the water well,
- We ministered at Jesus Loves You Ministry (The Ladies Church) and held several workshops ministering on the Gospel of Grace, and
- We held a hygiene class for the women where we handed out 50 care packages of underwear and sanitary napkins to the women
Water Project
We visited the church in Iltilal where we donated the greenhouse a few years back and dug a water well. They are now farming multiple acres of land. At our new water project in Oltepesi we just hit water at 900 feet! Now this project can provide much needed water for the people, their farms and their animals.

Mission: Day 6
Our final day in Kenya was spent packing, reviewing, sharing, repairing, shopping, and thanking one another for the awesome experiences gifted to us. Missionaries Don and Michelle Basin got a chance to review the CDGM movie. Some of the team planned for the furthering of the Maasai people through marketing their jewelry products—strategizing ways to make it doable and ultimately set them up for success and independence. At 8:30 p.m., we were dropped off at the airport, went through three security checks and finally entered one of three legs.
From Kenya to Amsterdam to Atlanta to drop of two precious team members, and finally arriving safely to our families in Houston, God truly made an indelible mark on our lives as we purposed in our hearts to be available to Him in ministering to the Maasai people. What a privilege it was!
We thank God for the opportunity. We thank Pastor Creflo Dollar and Pastor Taffi for their obedience and dedication to God of spreading the Gospel of Grace and changing the World! Finally, so thankful for all the hard work that went into preparing us for this trip – including safety measures, clear guidelines, planning the logistics, and just the opportunity to be a part of such an awesome work of God—touching lives everywhere. We’ll never be the same!
Mission: Day 5
After breakfast and devotions, we used the hotel offices to assemble our final teacher packets (20 of them) in preparation to bless the Maasai people. Off we set to return to the church in Oltepesi. Two hours later we arrived at the church, ready to go with the flow of leaders. As usual, we split up – women-to-women, children, and men-to-men were taught the Word. As we finished, the men were still going, so they instructed us to use the time to give hygiene instructions, demonstrations, and to distribute the feminine products. We served approximately 125 females with 3 pairs of undergarments and approximately 50 pads per person. Following the distribution, we joined the men for Sunday services. The Bishop of their congregation, the Chief, and the Pastor of the church were all present. Pastor Archie Collins preached. Following the teaching and prophecy, the CDGM team was invited to stand and were blessed with gifts. It was truly a ministry of love the Maasai people rendered to us. Following service, we made our farewells and were again invited to see where they lived. We all went to tour one parishioners’ dwelling, took pictures with their family, and then headed back to Nairobi.

Mission: Day 4
Travelling to our next Maasai tribe over 2 hours later, we arrived only to see them in their colorful array – waiting to welcome us. We greeted, embraced, and danced with them until we were whisked away to join the leaders for tea. Following the reception, we were directed to teach our respective areas – women in the sanctuary, children under the tree, and men in another area of the church grounds– to deliver the Word. Following teaching, we spoke about hygiene, which included giving demonstrations of usage, and finally distributing feminine products and undergarments. After dinner, we were invited to go to one members’ house to pray for the husband who was ill. We made that journey and then returned to the church to set up for the Jesus Film. We packed everything up and returned to the hotel for dinner, shower, and rest.

Mission: Day 3
After breakfast and devotions, we began assembling and packaging the gifts we shopped for to bless teachers at the school and The Ladies Church. Once the truck was loaded, we headed back to the church for Day Two.
The men dropped the ladies off to minister at the church –to women (teaching the Word) and children; and the men went over to the school to bless the teachers with the gift packages. Afterwards, we all came back together for lunch and tea and then returned to teach the women about hygiene and passed out feminine products to all the women and teens.
Before we left that day, the Maasai people blessed us incredibly with jewelry. It was unexpected and absolutely beautiful! We hugged, kissed, said our goodbye’s and left with sweet tears of joy and a mixture of sadness. In just 48 hrs, a love had developed between the CDGM team and this particular Maasai tribe. We waved goodbye, as we loaded up the trucks, and began leaving their community. That was a pretty incredible moment – one that most likely will have a long impression on us all!
Friday night, we returned to the hotel at approximately 9:30 p.m. It had been a long day and a very rough ride. Because the road in most Maasai communities are unpaved and complete with pot holes, cracks, and unexpected bumps, a 2.5 hr journey can easily take 4-5 hours to get back to the city. We got dinner, took showers, and quickly slept, to get ready for the next day.

Mission: Day 2
We headed toward Iltalel, Kenya, to our first Maasai tribe. As we approached the Ladies’ Church even from a distance, we could see them in all their fanfare – their beautiful, bright colors, the cultural jumping up and down, gleeful facial expressions, and just overall joy of our arrival! The experience was breathtaking and so totally unexpected. While we all had done prior research to become familiar with the Maasai culture, it was nothing like experiencing it in real-time.
Our first day consisted of teaching – the woman, the men, and children. Each team member had a specific role and our fantastic photographers were there to capture all the special moments that would transpire. Later that evening, we assisted Missionaries Don and Michelle our local contacts with setting up equipment to show the “Jesus Film Project” – the witnessing /discipleship tool they use to bring people to Christ. A most significant highlight of this evening was seeing initially 30 people walk from miles around to view the movie. By the end of the film, there were over 400 people present. In the movie, at the scene where the nails are being driven in Jesus’ hands and feet, the audience begins to wail, weep, and sigh heavily. At that point, as planned each time the movie is shown, the film was stopped and explained why the crucifixion was necessary and what God has in store for all of us. They minister salvation and invite all who want to encounter Jesus to say the prayer. The film was turned back on and eventually people calmed down and received the story. What an awesome event! After a long but worth-it-day, we left the grounds and headed for the hotel and rested.

Mission: Day 1
After a restful night, still on central/eastern time zones, we came together at 9 a.m. to learn the flow of the week, determine packet compositions for the gifts to be distributed to various groups we would reach out to, as well as discuss budgets, shopping plans, and timelines for accomplishing everything. This gave our team some of our first exposure to Nairobi. The store we went to, to purchase the products for the gift bags was very exciting; utilizing shillings exchanged from dollars and observing price differences from the US, as well. Upon completing this task, we loaded up our 2 trucks and headed for the hotel. Four and a half hours later, we checked in for the evening in preparation for Day One.

The Houston team met at Bush International Airport at 12:45 p.m., all ready to go. A wonderful send-off crew came to bless us with lots of excitement, love, and support! By 3 p.m. c.s.t., we were on our flight and headed toward Atlanta, Georgia to pick-up our Atlanta contingency – Joseph and Nina Parker, an awesome addition! Together, the six of us were headed to Nairobi, Kenya. Twenty-two hours later, we finally arrived at 9:40 p.m. Tuesday evening; ready to embrace all that God had directed us here to accomplish! We were introduced to Don and Michelle Babin, the awesome missionaries of this project, welcomed into their home, and offered relaxation and rest – much needed for the week ahead!