After the lengthy and costliest mining strike in history, Creflo Dollar Ministries South Africa identified a Platinum mining Community in Rustenburg, Wonderkop, Marikana in the North-West Province. The mining workers have been on strike since the 23 January 2014 to date. The social impacts on employee households, communities and regions are mostly severe and long term, leaving thousands of people impoverished. The majority of these people who were dependent on the mining operation for income are usually left stranded in the area that they cannot escape from, due to lack of resources and capacity to ensure their sustainable integration into other sectors of the economy. Creflo Dollar Ministries then identified Mama Seipati’s soup kitchen. She and her group cook for the miners and students in Marikina.
We supplied the following basic food necessities:
- 200 bags of rice
- 200 bags of flour
- 200 cooking oil
- 200 cooking oil
- 200 sugar
- 200 Joko tea
- 200 packets of soup
- 200 packets of salt
- 200 tinned baked beans
- 200 tinned fish
- Bags of potatoes
- Bags of sweet potatoes
- Bags of oranges
- Bags of onions
- Bags of butternut
We prayed for the ladies and gentlemen who cook for the community. We lead 25 of them unto the Lord.