We cleaned up the streets of Brooklyn, specifically from Flatbush Ave and Nostrand Ave to New Kirk Ave. This was approximately about 5-6 blocks. The area we decided to clean was a place that no one is assigned to clean and gets neglected often. This location is both commercial and residential. We also had an opportunity to set up our Prayer Station. We had our Soul Winning Team out to minister during the event as well.
Our impact
The area we cleaned did not have a steady contractor company to clean up and maintain this area. Most commercial areas are responsible to clean their storefronts. We chose an area that does not get cleaned on the regular. Because this area does not get cleaned on the regular, our Event was able to impact the community. Overall, making these streets look better can improve business, increase the desire of the community dwellers to come out and enjoy their neighborhoods.
This event was significant because it brought more awareness of our Ministry being in the community. People in the community ie: Other Ministries, and business people were in shock to see us out in the community cleaning in front of their buildings. Overall we believe they were glad to see us out there cleaning for them without asking for anything in return.
Event highlight
During this event we met a person on the street who recognized us cleaning and asked who we were. When we mentioned that we were from CDM and that we have a church here in the neighborhood for a couple of years they were in shock to hear it. They replied that many churches have been in the neighborhood for 20 years + but have not cleaned up the streets! He was amazed at how our ministry has only been here a short period of time and that we were already out here cleaning the streets.
Another significant moment was when we were cleaning the streets we was able to meet a man who was hired as a contractor to clean near the area where we were cleaning. At first he approached us because he felt threatened by our presence. He felt like we may take away from his business. When we mentioned to him that we were from a Ministry near by and was doing our NCD Event to assist in cleaning the community. That we were not working but looking to give back to the community. After explaining everything to him he was excited to see us there and his whole countenance toward us changed. We were able to show him that we were there to bless this community and that we were only here to help him to do his job to make this area look better.
Another success
Our NCD Event was a true success for many reasons. First, we were grateful that we had a good number of participants who definitely had a heart for the community to come out. Our Prayer Station attracted a lot of people in the area and many receptive to us. For example even before we were done setting up, people came for prayer and in the process received salvation. The businesses owners and churches were amazed to see us cleaning in front of their buildings. The businesses even allowed us to leave flyers in their establishment for their customers. One church even asked where our ministry was located and they were in shock that CDM was in their community. This event we believe was a positive step towards bringing unity amongst small and large business owners in the area to work together to keep all their streets clean, for the benefit of the community as a whole. We are also hoping to bring everyone together and participate with us in next years NCD Event.