Mission Update

Mission Update

Creflo Dollar Ministries South Africa and Prestige Ministry re-visited Polokego Women shelter to share a word of encouragement, empower ladies and supply basic food necessities. The ladies watched Dr Dollar’s DVD “From Destruction to Victory” and were encouraged that God has a future and a hope for them.

Ms. Yende thanked God for the protection and accommodation she received from Polokego Women Shelter, she was grateful for Creflo Dollar Ministries South Africa and Prestige Ministry for the word of encouragement and the peace of God she has in her heart.
Ms. Shabangu thanked God for Creflo Dollar Ministries South Africa and Prestige Ministry for the word of encouragement she received. Her life has been changed for the better.

28 April 2017

Creflo Dollar Ministries South Africa and Prestige Ministry re-visited Polokego Women shelter to share a word of encouragement, empower Ladies and distribute hygiene kits.The Hygiene kits were donated by one of our partners Mrs. Landiwe Ntlokwana. The Team and the Ladies watched Dr. Dollar’s DVD “From Setback to Comeback”. The Ladies were encouraged to move forward from their setbacks, hurt and painful past. They were excited and determined that God is able to change their lives.

After ministering, the Team went to Polokego’s Skills Centre, were Ladies learn more about sowing and beading. The Team saw the garments which Ladies have sown and beading frames they made. This project will assist Ladies to sustain themselves after being rehabilitated back to the community.

Ms. Anna was thankful for the work of the Ministry which is being done at Polokego Women Shelter.

28 September 2016
Ms. Pinky Magwaza was grateful for the messages she continues to receive from Creflo Dollar Ministries South Africa and Creflo Dollar Global Missions’ bible study, she is growing spiritually and she has learnt that she does not have to be bitter, she feels much better than the way she used to feel when she arrived at the shelter.

31 August 2016
Ms. Pinky Magwaza testified that when she arrived at Polokego Women’s Shelter few months ago, she was heart-broken and hurt. She thanked God for the word of God she has received from Creflo Dollar Ministries and Creflo Dollar Global Missions bible study. She is healing and growing spiritually as she continues to watch DVD messages and study the word of God.

10 August 2016
Ms. Nelisiwe Ndebele testified that she is grateful to finally leaving the shelter and going to be reunited with her Family, she thanked God for the foundation of the word of God she received from Creflo Dollar Ministries and Creflo Dollar Global Missions. She promised to build her relationship with God and grow spiritually. She was also exited for the opportunity to go back to school.
Surette Fourie was excited to be received with love at Polokego Women’ s Shelter last week, she was grateful for teaching of Dr. Dollar, and she felt encouraged and overwhelmed by the love of God.

15 July 2016
Ms. Daisy, the Team and the ladies were grateful to receive the TV screen, DVD player and DVD’s. They were excited to seat under the word of God through the ministry of Dr. Dollar.