Destination South Africa
In August, our Creflo Dollar Global Missions US based team will deploy to South Africa. This team will work alongside the CDM South Africa International Office to minister to the needs of the fatherless.

Our purpose is to demonstrate the love and grace of Christ to the fatherless in a practical and effective manner. We have local partners in South Africa like the Riet Family Guidance Center, Polokego Women's Shelter and Bright Lights Children's Home that we support in providing clothing and Khulumeluzulu High School in providing schools supplies and resources to teachers and students.
Call to Action
We have identified Education, Clothing and basic needs as a few areas where our team can have the greatest impact.

We have identified Education, Clothing and basic needs as a few areas where our team can have the greatest impact.

Meeting our goals in South Africa will allow us to minister God’s grace in word and deed. Here are ways we can meet the needs of those we minister to: