WCC Detroit held our yearly Back 2 School event today, we are happy to report that we were able to be a blessing to 75 families. As a result 140 children received book bags, school supplies and most importantly the blessing through prayer for there continued safety and the ability to receive and retain information and gain knowledge through the education that they will receive this coming school year.
By donating these items we were able to show the love of Christ by helping to relieve some of the financial burden these families would face with needing to provide book bags, school supplies and some lunch boxes for from 1-to multiple children in their household.
There are so many opportunities to show the love of Christ with meeting a need when ever the opportunity presents it self, but we also have to find and create these type of avenues where we can be used by God and allow through our giving, Grace to proceed so Gods love can shine through. This is just what happens at this type of giving through Grace event, which changes who we become so that others can see God's Grace, be set free and he can get the Glory out of all of our lives. "Changing our immediate world and all those with whom we come in contact with, ultimatelly making a mark that cannot be erased"
We were able to be a blessing to a family that saw us in the park as they were on their way to a family reunion event, with approx. 15 school age children (elementary - high school) and was very much in need of school supplies.
The parents/adults were so impressed and grateful that we not only relieved a financial burden for so many of there family members, but that we also cared enough to address there spiritual health with prayers and confessions for prosperity and protection in every aspect of all of their lives.
As some of the volunteers and I were headed back to the park where the B2S event was being held I saw a young woman walking down the street with 2 school age children and a baby she was pushing in a stroller, I was lead to pull the car over and have one of the volunteers that was riding in the car to get out and give her a flyer and directions to the park which was approx 3 blocks away. The young lady stated that she was going to the grocery store (another 2 blocks away) to get milk for her baby, and thanks for the information. Towards the end of the event, a call came through on the church phone which is forwarded to a cell phone that we had at the park. It was the young lady stating that she was on the way and was only a few blocks away and that she would be there shortly and would we wait for her, as she was referring to the closing time listed on the flyer.
This young lady received bookbags with supplies for 2 of her children, was prayed for by our prayer team, then gave her life to Christ and received salvation. This was the perfect ending to what Grace has made avaliable by faith when we set out to show the love of Christ through giving.