Creflo Dollar Global Missions ‘ Project Virtue Program is commited to restoring the dreams and renewing the spirits of hurt, abandoned and abused women around the world.

Polokego Women Shelter - Christmas Lunch

West & South Africa Empowerment Campaign 2017 - Ghana Update
The School Principal was grateful for the ongoing support from Creflo Dollar Ministries…

Polokego Women Shelter
Ms. Daisy, the Team and the ladies were grateful to receive the TV screen, DVD player...

Kenya Empowerment Campaign 2016 - Update
We are sharing the Gospel of Grace in Kenya with our...

Kenya Empowerment Campaign 2016
We are blessed to continue to minister to the Masaai tribe with the continued goal of total tribal transformation...

West & South Africa Empowerment Campaign 2016 - Johannesburg Update
There were 250 students and 150 parents in attendance.

West & South Africa Empowerment Campaign 2016 - Cape Town Update
Creflo Dollar Global Missions ministered the Gospel to 20 boys...

West & South Africa Empowerment Campaign 2016 - Angola Update
Today we had the privilege to visit a local school in Angola...

West & South Africa Empowerment Campaign 2016 - Ghana Update
Creflo Dollar Global Missions donated much needed school supplies to Remar Shalom Education Center...

West & South Africa Empowerment Campaign 2016
They will be ministering the Gospel of Grace and empowering...

Canada Empowerment Campaign 2016 - Update
Our Toronto based Creflo Dollar Global Missions team has been busy these last few days! From passing out blankets...

Canada Empowerment Campaign 2016
Creflo Dollar Global Missions’ Love Thy Neighbor cause is...

Hands of Grace Campaign
Creflo Dollar Global Missions has launched Hands of Grace a local and international mission’s project.

South Africa Empowerment Campaign 2015

South Africa Empowerment Campaign 2015 - Update
Creflo Dollar Global Missions got off to a great start with our South Africa Empowerment Campaign!

Kenya Empowerment Campaign 2015 - Update
We are back in Kenya and we feel right at home with our good friends Don Babin...

Kenya Empowerment Campaign 2015

Canada Empowerment Campaign 2015
As Prestige made its maiden voyage into Canada, Pastor Taffi and the team were able to do the following...

Journey with my Girls
We feel now, more than ever, is the time to provide information and resources to women who may feel their options are limited.

Pumwani Hospital Outreach
After the Kenya Change Experience which took place in August 2014, Creflo Dollar Ministries South Africa...

Love146 Organization, United Kingdom
Creflo Dollar Ministries donated £5,000 ($7,818 USD) to this organization; the gift was able to assist Love146 partner with...

One25 Charity, United Kingdom
Creflo Dollar Ministries made a donation of £ 5,000 ($7,869 USD). One25’s vision is of a community where all women are valued...

Prestige - Discovering the Treasure Within
Prestige was created with a unique purpose – to reach out to women involved in the adult entertainment and sex trade industries...

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part of a team that is changing the world
one soul at a time.
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